AUSTIN GUARDS PATROL LLC APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT AUSTIN GUARDS PATROL, LLC (the "Company") is an equal opportunity employer. The company does not discriminate in employment with regard to race, color, religion, natinoal origin, citizenship, status, ancestry, age, sex(including sexual harassment), sexual orientaion, marital status, physical or mental disablity, military status or unfavorable discharge from military service or any other characteristic protected by law. PERSONAL INFORMATION Are you eligible to work in the U.S?—Please choose an option—YesNo Are you atleast 18 years or older? —Please choose an option—YesNo Can you work any shift?—Please choose an option—YesNo Can you work overtime —Please choose an option—YesNo Can you work on weekends?—Please choose an option—YesNo Can you work night shifts from 6:00PM to 6:00AM? —Please choose an option—YesNo Can you work 12-hour shift? —Please choose an option—YesNo Have you ever worked as a security guard? —Please choose an option—YesNo (If Yes, when and where) Do you have a current and valid driver's license? —Please choose an option—YesNo Do you own your own firearm and/or duty belt and equipment? —Please choose an option—YesNo (If Yes, describe firearm and equipment) Are you currently, of have you been prohibited from carrying a firearm under any federal or state law? —Please choose an option—YesNo Are you able to perfom the essential functions of the job for which you are applying, with or without a reasonable accomodation?—Please choose an option—YesNo Next EMPLOYMENT DESIRED Date you can start : Are you currently employed? —Please choose an option—YesNo If so, may we inquire of your present employer?) LICENSING The Company requires all employees working as a private security guard to be licensed by the Texas Department of Public Safety - Private Security Bureau. Do you currently have a license with the Texas Department of Public Safety - Private Security Bureau? —Please choose an option—YesNo (If Yes, What license do you hold?) To be licensed, a person must: • Be 18 years or older • Have a high school diploma or equivalency • Be Authorized to work legally in United States • Pass a drug screening test • Pass an FBI styled background check • Complete 30 hours of training at a certified training center • Not have any prior felony convictions • Provide fingerprints (for armed guards) After reviewing the above requirements, is there any reason that you cannot obtain a license with the Texas Department of Public Safety? —Please choose an option—YesNo EDUCATION Do you have a high school diploma?—Please choose an option—YesNo If no, Do you have a GED?—Please choose an option—YesNo EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Include your last seven (7) years of employment history, including periods of unemployment, starting with the most recent and working backwards in time. Incomplete inforamtion could disqualify you from further consideration. From To Employer Name Telephone Address Job Title Reason for Leaving Another Reference From To Employer Name Telephone Address Job Title Reason for Leaving Another Reference From To Employer Name Telephone Address Job Title Reason for Leaving Another Reference From To Employer Name Telephone Address Job Title Reason for Leaving BackNext Wage Deduction Authorization Agreement: I understand and agree that my employer, Austin Guards Patrol, LLC, may occasionally deduct money from my pay for reasons that fall into the following categories. 1. My share of the premiums for the Company's group health insurance plan. 2. Installment payments on loans or wage advances given to me by the Company, and if there is a balance remaining when I leave the Company, the balance of such loans or advances. 3. If I receive an overpayment of wages for any reason, repayment to the Company of such overpayments (the deduction for such compensation will equal the entire amount of the overpayment unless the Company and I agree in writing to a series of more minor assumptions in specified amounts). 4. The cost of repairing or replacing any Company supplies, materials, equipment, money, or other property that I may damage (other than normal wear and tear), lose, fail to return, or take without appropriate authorization from the Company during my employment (except in the case of misappropriation of money by me, I understand that no such deduction will take my pay below minimum wage). 5. The cost of Company uniforms (the Company will deduct only the actual price it pays for uniforms). 6. If my employer pays any insurance premiums ("payments") on my behalf that I would typically make under the applicable Company benefit plan, the amount of such payments made by the Company, such payments being an advance of future wages payable to me. 7. If the Company reimburses me for an expense I report as a business expense and the Company, after investigation, determines that the submitted claim was false, the Company may deduct the amount of the rei. Signature I acknowledge that my name in the signature section is considered a valid electronic signature. Date Signed : Employee's Name - Printed : BackNextDo you have any special skills, experience and/or training that would enhance your ability to perform the position applied for? If yes, explain. REFERENCES Give the names of three persons not related to you, whom you have known for at least three (3) years. Person 1 Name Address, Phone, Email Company Years Acquainted Person 2 Name Address, Phone, Email Company Years Acquainted Person 3 Name Address, Phone, Email Company Years Acquainted I understand that neither the completion of this application nor any other part of my consideration for employment establishes any obligation for state AUSTIN GUARDS PATROL, LLC to hire me.If I am hired, I understand that either the Company or I can terminate my employement at any time and for any reason, with or without cause and without prior notice. I attest with my signature below that I have given to the Company true and complete information on this application. No requested information has been concealed. I authorize State Guard Patrol, LLC to contact references provided for employment reference checks. If any inforamtion I have provided is untrue, or if I have concealed material informatoin, I understand that this will constitute cause for the denial of employement or immediate dismissal. Signature I acknowledge that my name in the signature section is considered a valid electronic signature. Date Signed : Employee's Name - Printed : BackNext Authorization for Direct Deposit – Employee Form: This authorizes Austin Guards Patrol LLC to send credit entries (and appropriate debit and adjustment entries), electronically or by any other commercially accepted method, to my (our) account(s) indicated below and to other accounts I (we) identify in the future. This authorizes the financial institution holding the Account to post all such entries. Account 1 Account TypeSelect AnyCheckingsSavings Employee Bank Name Bank Routing Employee Bank Account Percentage or Dollar Amount to be Deposited to This Account Account 2 Account TypeSelect AnyCheckingsSavings Employee Bank Name Bank Routing Employee Bank Account Percentage or Dollar Amount to be Deposited to This Account This authorization will be in effect until the Company receives a written termination notice from me and has a reasonable opportunity to act on it. IMPORTANT: This document must be signed by employees requesting automatic deposit of paychecks and retained on file by the employer. Do not send this form to Intuit. Employees must attach a voided check for each account to help verify their account numbers and bank routing numbers. Signature I acknowledge that my name in the signature section is considered a valid electronic signature. Date Signed : Employee's Name - Printed : BackNext AUTHORIZATION FOR BACKGROUND CHECK I hereby authorize AUSTIN GUARDS PATROL, LLC to investigate my background and qualifications for purposes of evaluating whether i am qualified for the position for which i am applying. I also understand that i may withhold my permission and that in such a case, no investigation will be done, and my application for employment will not be processed further. Signature I acknowledge that my name in the signature section is considered a valid electronic signature. Date Signed : Employee's Name - Printed : Back